
Spring 2021 Updates

The past several months have been a time of great transition and difficult challenges all over the world. As spring arrives, though, and as it appears that the pandemic may be finally coming under control, many of us are beginning to imagine the possibilities ahead. The residents of the Cornelia Arts Building share in that optimism. Here are some new developments.

Building Renovations

For the past several months, the Cornelia Arts Building has been undergoing capital improvements. The hallways and studios are being given new walls and other structural upgrades. We look forward to the next time you’re able to visit and see the rather dramatic transformation that will have taken place in the building’s interior. We already love the bright, clean appearance that’s come with the new work . . . and that’s before everything is even completed.

As that work winds down, and as the efforts to contain the pandemic begin to succeed, we are cautiously optimistic that we’ll be able to resume building-wide events sometime later this year. Check this website for updates and announcements.

Artist Updates

The artists at the building continue to put out new work. Check out recent updates from Mollie Greenberg, Lalegh Motlagh and Kevin Swallow.

We wish you all a safe and warm spring.